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Papaya Red Lady

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Papaya Red Lady seeds have a high germination rate, and the average plant height ranges from 1.5 to 2 meters, with an average number of fruits per plant throughout one season, 40-60 fruits per plant, with an average weight of fruits ranging from 1.5 to 2 kilos, the color of the inner pulp is orange to red, the percentage of sugar in the fruits is high, and the plant is squashed Unisexual, resistant to viral infections, high yield, with high homogeneity in fruits.

Supplier: KNOW-YOU SEED Co., LTD

Category: seeds, Fruits

Unit: Each

Code: 220975

Packing: Packet

Color product: 0

Organic: ❌

Good Agricultural Practices(GAP): ✔️

Expirable: ✔️

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