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Integrated Pest Management




Greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum), Tobacco whitefly (Bemisia tabaci), eggs and caterpillars of tomato leaf miner moth (Tuta absoluta), and other moths. It also feeds on two-spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae), aphids, and leaf miner larvae (Liriomyza spp.).

Crops: Mainly tomatoes (which can cause damage to other plants).

Mode of action: Adult predatory bugs and nymphs actively search for their prey and suck them out. The skin is left behind in its original form.

Visual effect: Macrolophus pygmaeus sucks out the body contents of its prey leaving only the empty skin.

Supplier: Koppert

Category: IPM, Insects

Unit: Each

Code: 5000

Packing: Bottle

Organic: ✔️

Good Agricultural Practices(GAP): ✔️

Expirable: ✔️

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