Hybrid round tomato for protected cultivation. Hardness and high homogeneity in fruit sizes
The average length of the phalanges is 20 / cm
The height of the first cluster above the soil is 25 / cm
One cluster bears 5-7 fruits
The average weight of the fruits is 180-200 / g
It is characterized by early production
It is characterized by its high resistance to viruses (Tomato Mosaic Virus - ToMV), and Tomato Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV).
Supplier: Enza Zaden: Holland
Category: seeds, Vegetable
Unit: 1000 Seeds
Code: 220995
Packing: Packet
Color product: 0
Organic: ❌
Good Agricultural Practices(GAP): ✔️
Expirable: ✔️