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Amistar Extra 280 SC

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A systemic fungicide that combats leaf spot fungi, echoes, powdery mildew and leaf streaks in wheat and barley crops. It is used preventively or curatively at the onset of infection.

The pesticide is composed of two active substances, each of which differs from the other in its mode of action, which leads to combat a wide range of diseases, improving the effectiveness of the pesticide and preventing the occurrence of immunity.

Azoxyastropin 200g / L

Cyproconazole 80 g / L

Supplier: Syngenta

Category: Pesticides, Grass

Unit: 5 L

Code: 110275

Packing: Jerrycan

Color: 0

Organic: ❌

Good Agricultural Practices(GAP): ✔️

Expirable: ✔️

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