Scientific seminar in Al-Kharj province, Al-Hazm
Al-Kharj-The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

November 18, 2019

In the presence of a number of large farmers in Al-Hazm area in Al-Kharj governorate, Al-Yaseen Agricultural Company and Syngenta Company organized a seminar on the use of the dual-action Ortiva Top pesticide for a comprehensive and longer protection against fungal diseases. The pesticide Ortiva Top with a unique combination of two active substances differ in the way of work, which leads to control a wide range of fungal diseases and improve the effectiveness of the pesticide and the prevention of the occurrence of immunity to pesticides, to combat pest blight, Sabbathi spots and fluffy and powdery mildew on a number of fruit and vegetable trees. Foliam Targu, a pest control specialist, is a group of insects in one spray against biting worms, spiders, tunnel makers and Tota Absluta. The pesticide and plant protection expert at the Syngenta company, Mr. Eng. Riad Al-Zomor, said that specialized pesticides kill or limit the number of pests at low concentrations, the pesticide in its composition contains the active substance of the pesticide and additives that improve and increase the efficiency of the active material, including the carrier and the spreader And antioxidant and solvents. He added that pesticides are organic and inorganic compounds in which the composition of a chemical compound or more manufactured or natural. At the end of the meeting, there was a lengthy discussion between the farmers and the engineers of Al-Yassin Agricultural Company and the minutes about the appropriate selection of the pesticide for each crop as well as the appropriate selection of the spraying machine and spraying method, and good technical supervision on spraying and safe use of pesticides. In conclusion, Alyaseenagri Sales Manager Eng. Sameh Fouad Riad thanked the attendees for honoring this meeting, praising the cooperation shown by Syngenta in developing the agricultural sector and serving the farmers in the region.